Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

Laurent Busé

  • is a member of the Jury of the french "agrégation externe de mathématiques".

André Galligo

  • is part of the Advisory Board of the MEGA conference series and took part this year to its program committee.

Evelyne Hubert

  • is an associate editor of the Journal of Symbolic Computation (http://www.journals.elsevier.com/journal-of-symbolic-computation ),

  • is part of the Advisory Board of the MEGA conference series and, as such, took part to the program committee of this year conference,

  • edited, with Elizabeth Mansfield (University of Kent, UK) and Gloria Mari Beffa (University of Wisconsin, USA) a special issue of the journal Foundations of Computational Mathematics (Volume 13, Issue 4, August 2013) in honor of Peter Olver (University of Minnesota, USA). Cf. http://link.springer.com/journal/10208 ,

  • is part of the local Inria Committee for Invited Professors and Postodoctoral Fellows,

  • was elected to the new hiring committee at the mathematics department of the University of Nice (CPRH 25-26-60),

  • co-organized the mini-symposia Computational Aspects of Moving Frame that was part of the SIAM Conference on Applied Algebraic Geometry that took place in Fort Collins, Colorado, August 1-4.

Bernard Mourrain

  • is an associate editor of the Journal of Symbolic Computation (http://www.journals.elsevier.com/journal-of-symbolic-computation ),

  • is member of the Advisory Board of the MEGA conference series and chair of the program committee of MEGA'13 in Frankfurt, June 3-7,

  • is co-editing, with Alicia Dickenstein and Jan Draisma, a special issue of the Journal of Symbolic Computation, after the conference MEGA'13,

  • organized the mini-symposia Algebraic Geometry, Moment Problems and Applications that was part of the SIAM Conference on Applied Algebraic Geometry that took place in Fort Collins, Colorado, August 1-4,

  • is chair of the local Inria Committee for Courses and Conferences.